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Don’t Bag Your Recycling

Plastic bags, wrappers and wrap CAN NOT  be recycled in your recycling bin.

Plastic bags, wrappers and wrap are a large problem for your recycling service, as they can cause the entire sorting facility to be shut down to enable staff to remove them when they become caught in the sorting machinery and create a potential fire hazard, or they may cause entire loads of  material to be rejected for recycling and sent to landfill.

Even so, they are still one of the most common forms of contamination (unaccepted items). This includes recyclables in plastic bags – a definite no-no. Just empty your recyclables loosely into the bin.

Plastic bags that carry a recycling symbol can be recycled – just NOT in your yellow lid bin.

When you Recycle Right you are playing a big part in reducing waste sent to landfill and conserving our natural resources.

Category:   General