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Recycle Right



With 27 million residents in Australia, we produce around 54 million tonnes of waste every year, with much destined to landfill. That is a lot of rubbish! With the Country’s population ever increasing, we cannot afford to maintain this rate of waste disposal. By recycling you are helping to decrease landfill space, detrimental environmental impacts of landfill, increasing costs of waste disposal and the consumption of natural, and often non-renewable, resources, which are all very good reason to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!


Household waste accounts for about 35% of the total waste stream, the remainder being made up of commercial, industrial, construction and demolition, and hazardous wastes. This proportion has been increasing as consumers are faced with purchasing over packaged goods, disposable products, convenience and takeaway foods and electrical appliances which once broken are cheaper to replace rather than fix. Aside from product already placed in your recycling bin, recent independent audits conducted by your Council has found that most general waste bins still contain recyclables that should be placed in the yellow top bin, in some cases 20% or more of the general waste bin content was recyclable, but now is lost to landfill.


We can all do better and reduce waste to landfill via the simple act of recycling.